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How to Write a Board Report

Board members are expected to take important decisions. This is why it’s crucial that your company communicates key business information in a clear, engaging way. This article will guide you through the best methods for writing a successful board report.

Begin with an executive synopsis. This is the base that binds everything into one quick spoonful for your busy audience. It will give them a taste of what’s in store, and also why they should take the time to read the entire report.

Then, present the meat of your report. Include key metrics and information that are relevant to the business, such as those that compare to industry benchmarks. Highlight any milestones or achievements the company has achieved, and also any issues that could impact future performance. Don’t forget about any upcoming projects that require the board’s financial support or approval.

It is also important to include any high-level risks or opportunities statements the company has identified and the potential impact they could have. Be sure to provide these in an amount of specificity that is in line with the board’s risk tolerance.

The final paragraph should contain your main points, and a clear statement on the next steps your business must take. The purpose of the board report will determine its content. It could be used to inform the board, or typically, to request for a decision. This will determine how you arrange the entire report, such as whether you require a table-of-contents with clear headings, or bullet points to communicate your main messages.

nicvosHow to Write a Board Report